Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Circuits and Current

We  were initially  tasked with figuring out how to light a bulb with various wires and a power source, which we figured out,we also drew a schematic of the loop. Later on, we used the previous activity as a stepping stone to further investigate simple circuits

 We used a electromotive force source (battery) and light bulb ( non-ohmic resistor) to observe the properties and behaviors of a closed circuit as well a its components.


Next, we needed to find an equation that described what caused the closed loop  to light the bulb and how, we derived a relationship between the concentration of particles (n), the drift velocity (vd), which is the motion of a particular particle while it is going through a cross section of a conducting wire in time dt. Also, the area of the material and the charge. We found that these attributes described the current that is present in a conducting wire. The power source used potential as a means to convert energy in the free electrons into the current.

In addition to finding the current and emf, we discussed resistors which caused a drop in voltage (potential)as current passed through them. We observed that the cross sectional area, the length, and the number of loops determined the resistance of the resistor.

Here we used excel to record our data and that of the group of next to us to determine which criteria determined the actual resistance between the two differing resistors each group had.

Towards the end of the day we used a volt meter, which measures potential, a amp meter which measures the current, conductive wires, a power source, and various resistors. We were tasked to  observe the current produced by the power source by means of the ammeter, the potential drop off from the resistors by means of the voltmeter.
Here Eddie is checking the potential difference by placing the instruments on opposites sides of the resistor.

In conclusion, we spent the class time discussing and describing circuits and its components. We found that current I goes through a conductive medium and that as it goes through a resistor the current remains the same but that the energy has a drop off of energy, it then continues on where the emf pumps it back to a high potential and back into the loop.

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